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What’s The Idea?
The idea is simple enough...
The idea is simple enough...
Not only does it feels good to simply do what's right, business leaders have...
Making a real and lasting difference in people lives is much more likely to...
In what was and still is, a global disaster, at least some sort of...
After 12 years, I had to stop doing the job I loved because I developed a work-based injury.
After getting over the disappointment, I started the search for a new career.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was determined, so I knocked on a lot of doors. But no matter how hard I knocked, every door stayed firmly shut.
Then it hit me.
I wasn’t alone. There must be thousands of people with disabilities all going through exactly the same thing.
Whilst many employers are struggling with a staff shortage, here we are, an army of enthusiastic workers right on their doorstep.
We were all applying for jobs that we could do - especially with new technology and mobile working - but not getting the chance to prove it. Many more had given up even applying, despite the fact they would had made excellent, loyal employees.
At first, it just seemed crazy - and okay, maybe a little ‘frustrating’! But after a while, it got me thinking. I started to wonder if there was something I could do….
Any advice or sharing of experiences will help.
If we can get things right, we could make a huge difference every day to lots of people's lives.
And part of that will be down to you.
Even if you think there's only the smallest chance you can help,
please get in touch.
Pete Farrell
During my career, I built and subsequently sold what was - at the time - the biggest specialist recruiter in its market.
This meant working with the vast majority of the FTSE 100 and almost all of the leading professional services firms. I met and dealt with people from all elements of society.
Except one.
I didn't meet a single person with disabilities. (Actually, I probably did, but they were part of the ‘hiding’ disabled - a concept I only found out about much later.)
The strange thing is, I can honestly say I didn't even notice. Looking back, I find that shocking. An obvious imbalance of opportunity all around me and I didn't even notice.
This is my chance to put that right.
Richard Eaton
dfresearch.co.uk and the resulting initiative is the 'Not For Profit' arm of dfhuman.com
dF Human Specialises in recruiting and retaining In-Demand Talent - usually when the 'standard approach' has failed.